Showing 163 Result(s)
BK Shivani

Inner Peace’s Fundamentals: Taking Up Spirituality with BK Shivani

Pic Credit: Pintrest Sujata Muguda, Shreyas WebMedia Solutions First off In an international that is constantly bustling with interest, noise, and chaos, finding internal peace can look like a dream. However, Brahma Kumari Shivani Verma, popularly referred to as BK Shivani has been a beacon of wish and tranquility for hundreds of thousands. Her teachings …

Crucial Question in Your Life

Finding Direction: The Crucial Question in Your Life

By Sujata Muguda Introduction In the adventure of lifestyles, finding a course is possibly the most pivotal task we are facing. It’s a quest that shapes our decisions, molds our personalities, and affects our last future. This article delves into the essence of finding one’s route, the compass that publications us through the tumultuous seas …

Emotional Resilience

Emotional Resilience: The Key to Thriving in Challenging Times

Sujata Muguda, Shreyas WebMedia Solutions 24th July 2024: An illustration of emotional strength In a culture where issues are constantly changing and things are constantly changing, considering emotional resilience is more important than ever. It is called the ability to cope and adapt to difficult situations. Rather than trying to escape stress and adversity, it’s …

Goal-Setting Skills for Success

Improving Achievement and Goal-Setting Skills for Success

Review of Goal-Setting and Achieving Success in both the personal and professional spheres depends heavily on setting and achieving goals. People can track their progress, maintain motivation, and eventually achieve their intended results by setting clear objectives and working tirelessly toward them. Here are some tips to improve your approach to creating goals and achieving …


Leadership Skills: The Core of Effective Management

Sujata Muguda, Shreyas WebMedia Solutions Introduction to Leadership Skills  23 July 2024: Effective leadership is the cornerstone of management and the engine of productive teams. With the use of these abilities, people can assist others in reaching shared objectives, encouraging teamwork and creativity. Giving commands is only one aspect of effective leadership; another is motivating, …


Active Listening: Building Deeper Connections with Your Partner

Sujata Muguda, Shreyas WebMedia Solutions 22 July 2024: Being genuinely receptive to our spouses can frequently be neglected in the everyday chaos of life. When browsing social media or making plans for the day, we could lend a half-listening ear. Nonetheless, a vital ability for creating a solid and satisfying connection is active listening. It …


The Journey to Health: Small Steps to Big Changes

-Sujata Muguda, Shreyas WebMedia Solutions 20 July 2024: Embarking on the journey to a healthier lifestyle is often perceived as a daunting task, filled with drastic changes and overwhelming goals. However, the key to sustainable health and happiness lies in the simplicity of small, manageable steps that lead to significant transformations over time. This approach …

Guide for Parents

Ensuring a Healthy Mindset in Children: A Guide for Parents

-Sujata Muguda, Shreyas WebMedia Solutions 19 July 2024: The mental and emotional development of children is a complex process that is deeply influenced by the environment provided by their parents or caregivers. The task of nurturing a healthy mindset in children is multifaceted and requires a consistent and thoughtful approach. Some strategies that parents can …