TerraPower Joins Texas Nuclear Alliance as a Founding Member

Austin, TX, September 26, 2024 –The Texas Nuclear Alliance (“TNA”) is proud to announce that TerraPower, a leading developer of advanced nuclear technologies, has joined as a Founding Member.

“TerraPower has been on the cutting-edge of the development of the advanced nuclear technologies Texas will need to power our future, and with their membership TNA will be more equipped to advance our mission to position Texas as the global leader in nuclear innovation and find sustainable solutions to meet Texas’ growing electricity needs,” said Texas Nuclear Alliance President Reed Clay. “TerraPower’s approach exemplifies the innovation and leadership necessary to establish Texas as the focal point of reliable, affordable, secure, and clean nuclear energy, further positioning the state as the leader in advancing the nuclear industry.”

“Advanced nuclear is key to solving our energy challenges by providing reliable, carbon-free power. The NatriumTM technology is unique in its ability to work seamlessly with renewables, offering Texas an opportunity to enhance grid reliability with clean, baseload power and built-in gigawatt-scale energy storage. TerraPower is excited to join the Texas Nuclear Alliance; Texas can lead the way in deploying the next generation of energy technology while addressing both energy reliability and energy security demands,” said Chris Levesque, TerraPower President and CEO.

TerraPower is a nuclear innovation company that guides projects from research to reality. TerraPower is building the first commercial advanced reactor in the United States near a retiring coal facility with the Natrium reactor and energy storage system, a TerraPower and GE-Hitachi technology. The project began non-nuclear construction in June 2024. They are also advancing the research and development of a Molten Chloride Fast Reactor technology that aims to expand the ability of nuclear technology to decarbonize industry beyond electricity.

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