A Revolutionary Online Platform for Neurodivergent Girls and Their Supporters

A Revolutionary Online Platform for Neurodivergent Girls and Their Supporters

Tacoma, WA, August 27, 2024 — Today marks the launch of The Dragon’s Nest, an innovative online education platform and community dedicated to supporting neurodivergent girls, their families, and educators. This groundbreaking resource aims to address the significant gap in understanding, diagnosis, and support for neurodivergent girls and women.

The Dragon’s Nest offers a comprehensive suite of services, including:
– Personalized, actionable education and resources
– A supportive community for families and educators
– A space that prioritizes the lived experiences of neurodiverse girls and women

“The Dragon’s Nest began as a dream I had seven years ago,” says Katy Scheck, founder & chief executive officer of The Dragon’s Nest. “When my daughter Morgan was diagnosed with autism and ADHD at age 6, I saw a critical need for understanding and support for girls on the spectrum. We exist to bridge that gap. We’re more than a platform; we’re a community dedicated to empowering neurodiverse girls, educating families, and celebrating the beautiful spectrum of girlhood. Named after Morgan’s love of dragons, we believe every girl deserves to be seen and understood. Join us and let’s change the narrative together.”

Key issues The Dragon’s Nest addresses include:
1. Misdiagnosis and underdiagnosis in girls
2. Lack of appropriate support in school and social settings
3. Outdated stereotypes and misconceptions about autism
4. The isolation often experienced by parents of neurodivergent girls
5. The scarcity of girl-specific information and resources

As part of its launch, The Dragon’s Nest is introducing an online workshop titled “Navigating the IEP: A Comprehensive Guide to Championing Your Child’s Education.” This actionable workshop equips families with the tools to navigate the complexities of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), empowering them to advocate effectively for their child’s educational needs.

Chelsie Gillum, special education services consultant as well as the creator and presenter of the IEP workshop, adds: “Navigating the IEP process can be incredibly daunting for parents. There’s an abundance of information out there, but it’s often confusing and overwhelming. Our workshop cuts through the noise, offering clear, actionable guidance. We’ve designed it to be easy to navigate, empowering parents with the knowledge and confidence they need to effectively advocate for their child. Our goal is to transform the IEP experience from a source of stress to a tool for positive change in a child’s education.”

“Parenting a neurodivergent child can be complex, tiring, lonely, exhilarating, and wonderful,” Scheck adds. “The Dragon’s Nest is here to be a partner through this journey, providing the support and resources that have been missing for far too long.”

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