H.F. (Herb) Wimmer’s New Book, Improving Personal and Organizational Learning, Accountability, and Performance

H.F. (Herb) Wimmer’s New Book, Improving Personal and Organizational Learning, Accountability, and Performance

Winters, CA, August 20, 2024 — H.F. (Herb) Wimmer has completed his new book, “Improving Personal and Organizational Learning, Accountability, and Performance”: a comprehensive guide that emphasizes learning as the path to capacity, performance, and success.

Author H.F. (Herb) Wimmer worked for Chevron Corporation in their research and real estate subsidiaries in a wide variety of assignments for over thirty-five years. He rose from a teenaged laborer to a middle-level manager through fourteen different assignments in three cities while attending college at night and raising a family.

He started in and later supervised the daily operations of a fuels and additives research laboratory, then managed a planning team designing, remodeling, building, and managing large-scale laboratory facilities. Later he became manager of facilities and services for Chevron’s research complex in Richmond, California. When he retired in early 2000, he was the facilities and services site manager for Chevron Park, Chevron’s World Headquarters, in San Ramon, California.

For Chevron, he traveled domestically and internationally to many destinations across the globe and worked in several short foreign assignments. He taught the Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework in Chevron, Saudi Arabia, and eventually other places. He was also tasked to help design, review, advise, and inspect the construction and operation of Chevron laboratories in the US, Japan, the Netherlands, etc.

He has a driving passion for the critical role of learning and accountability in performance and eventual success. For years he taught systems thinking, process improvement, business literacy, strategy, and leadership behavior classes in his own and other Chevron organizations.

Retiring from Chevron in his early fifties, he ran a one-man organization development firm teaching and coaching systems thinking, leadership, strategy development, process improvement, etc., for twenty years until the arrival of COVID. He worked with individuals and teams in a variety of public agencies and small- and medium-sized companies. He wrote and taught a whole series of bespoke leadership, business literacy, and related courses tailored specifically to the needs of his clients. For eleven years, he taught a survey course in Systems Thinking (the Human Side of Systems) at UC Davis in their staff leadership development program. Now he has turned his attention to writing to share his thoughts on processes to promote learning, accountability, and performance.

His lifelong passion is learning and helping others on their growth path.

Wimmer writes, “Just how effective are you, really? How effective is your organization? What processes do you rely on, and what routine behaviors do you practice individually and collectively that bring about reliable and blossoming success? What new behaviors can you learn and practice now to get on a steady path of increasing success?”

He continues, “This book is intended to help. It will be easy to digest and useful, especially since it provides tools and some actual working examples. Based on systems thinking, it ties mental models, brain styles, cultural habits, systemic processes, and especially authentic leadership behaviors together in an eight-step template for moving ever more effectively toward your desired results.”

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