time, life, money

Spending Money or Spending Life? – Time to Think

Every rupee you spend comes with a price: the time it took you to earn it. You should determine your actual hourly wage in Your Money or Your Life in order to understand what things really cost. Your true compensation is closer to — per hour for an ordinary 40-hour per week employment paying so and so amount per week, which results in — amount annually and — per hour.

This takes into account the time and money required to perform that work (such as travel time and fuel costs). Therefore, each rupee you spend is equivalent to six minutes of your life. Most people don’t consider all the actual prices while making purchases. When people do assess costs, they usually do it using their gross pay rather than their take-home pay or even the true wage in terms of life hours worked.

It’s a simple technique to curb the impulse to shop and an eye-opening activity. Are you truly willing to exchange your priceless life for that item? Because you are in fact acting in that manner. You won’t mind working as much if you enjoy what you do for a job and have found your true calling in life since you will be content to earn the money you need to live comfortably.

The true test is whether you would continue working or resign right away if you won the lottery or unexpectedly inherited millions. You are already free if you continued working because you love what you do. Your sole objective is to save money for retirement so that you will be able to do so when you are too old to work or are forced to retire.

If your job is making you miserable, you have two choices. You can start by locating a better, more fulfilling work. Second, you can save sufficient funds to achieve financial independence and live off your assets. There is a very crucial reason why time is actually much more valuable than money. Time is limited to you. You only have a finite amount of time on earth, and even if you live a very long, healthy, and active life until the age of 100, it is still just 36,525 days.

While your lifespan does the reverse and finally shrinks to zero, money has the capacity to compound over time with endless growth, establishing a legacy that could continue to expand beyond your death. Yes, you can strive to increase your lifetime by engaging in healthy behaviors (good nutrition, and regular exercise).

With a balanced diet and workout routine, we try our best. Having said that, delegating the time-consuming jobs you don’t like will instantly gain you more time. Time is considerably more valuable than money, so it is best to buy as much of it as you can by hiring others to do the boring aspects of daily living.

Additionally, it frees up a number of hours each week so you can write, study, and learn or pursue new things. Doing housework is less likely to boost your money than engaging in these considerably more innovative and entertaining activities. Even if you don’t have more time than everyone else, you make better use of the hours you do have.

What will you assign right away to enhance the value of your time? Are you moving towards financial independence? If you have achieved financial freedom, you won’t require a lottery victory in order to leave your employment. Additionally, it would be wise to hunt for more meaningful and gratifying employment if you truly despise your current position. Even if you live to be 100 years old, life is too short to be working a job you detest.

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